Associate Professor Jon Adams
Founding Executive Director, NORPHCAM
University of Queensland
Associate Professor Jon Adams is Head of the Discipline of Social Science, School of Population Health, University of Queensland and holds a PHCRED Research Fellowship, Dept of Health and Ageing. Jon is Director of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) CAM sub-study (the largest longitudinal cohort study of CAM use in the world to date, n=>40,000 women) and the Founding Executive Director of NORPHCAM. A/Prof Adams is also Visiting Professor at the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine, London South Bank University and has recently been selected as an International Brisbane Initiative Senior Fellow, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford.
Jon is Associate Editor of two international peer-reviewed CAM journals, Complementary Therapies in Medicine and the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, he sits on the International Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and is regular reviewer for a wide range of international peer-reviewed health research journals.
Jon has extensive training in qualitative health research methods, health social science and mixed-method design. He is currently leading (CIA) 6 national and international CAM projects including one ARC-funded and two NHMRC-funded projects. Jon has been researching numerous aspects of CAM and conventional primary health care for over 10 years and has attracted in excess of AUD $3 million in external funding in the past two years alone, including grants from NHMRC, PHCRED, ARC and ESRC. He has also been principal supervisor for numerous successfully completed PhD students (3 in CAM) and is currently supervising/co-supervising 5 more students to completion.
PhD, 'The use of unconventional medicines within general practice: boundary-construction, identity and legitimacy' Science Studies Unit, University of Edinburgh, 2000
MA Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Leeds, 1995
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics with Computing, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales, 1993
BA (Hons) Sociology, School of Sociology, University of Wales, 1992
Journal articles
Book Chapters
Journal articles
Steinsbekk A, Adams J, Sibbritt D, Johnsen R (in press) CAM practitioner consultations among those who have or have had cancer in a Norwegian total population (HUNT 2): prevalence, socio-demographics and health perceptions. European Journal of Cancer Care (accepted May 2008)
Steinsbekk A, Adams J, Sibbritt D, Johnsen R, Jacobsen G. (in press) Socio-demographic characteristics and health perceptions among male and female CAM users in a Norwegian total population study. Research in Complementary Medicine (Forschende Komplementärmedizin) (accepted March 2008) Link to publication
Broom A, Adams J (in press) Discussing complementary and alternative medicine with cancer patients: Challenges for the clinical encounter, professional education and multi-disciplinary teamwork in oncology. Health (accepted 01/02/08)
Adams J, Broom A, Jennaway M. (in press) Qualitative methods in chiropractic research: one framework for future inquiry. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (accepted 01/08)
Adams J, Sibbritt D, Young A (2007) Consultations with a naturopath or herbalist: the prevalence of use and profile of users amongst mid-aged women in Australia. Public Health 121: 954-957. Link to publication
Casey M, Sibbritt D, Adams J (in press) A survey of herbalists in Australia: a focus upon clinical practices and perceptions as they pertain to concurrent patient-care with conventional medical practice. Complementary Therapies in Medicine accepted Sept 2007.
Sibbritt D, Adams J, Young A (2007) The characteristics of mid-aged Australian women who consult acupuncturists. Acupuncture in Medicine 25(1-2): 22-28. Link to publication
Adams J (2007) Restricting CAM consumption research: denying insights for practice and policy. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 15(2): 75-76. Link to publication
Broom A, Adams J (2007) Current issues and future directions in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 15(3): 217-220. Link to publication
Steinsbekk A, Adams J, Sibbritt D, Jacobsen G, Johnsen R (2007) A comparison of general practice users, complementary and alternative medicine users, and those who use both. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 25(2): 86-92. Link to publication
Casey M, Sibbritt D, Adams J (2007) An examination of the prescription and dispensing of medicines by Western herbal therapists: A national study in Australia. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 15(1): 13-20. Link to publication
Magin P, Adams J (2006) Complementary and alternative medicine for dermatological conditions: a review of literature. Expert Review in Dermatology 2(1): 41-49 Link to publication
Magin P, Pond D, Smith W, Adams J (2006) The psychological sequelae of acne vulgaris: results of a qualitative study. Canadian Family Physician 52: 978-979. Link to publication
Tovey P, Adams J (2006) Theorising complementary and alternative medicine: a commentary on Hirschkorn and Bourgeault. Social Science and Medicine 63(3): 563-565. Link to publication
Magin P, Adams J, Heading G, Pond D, Smith W (2006) Complementary and alternative medicine therapies in acne, psoriasis and atopic eczema: results of a qualitative study of patients' experiences and perceptions. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 12(5): 451-457. Link to publication
Sibbritt D, Adams J, Young A (2006) A profile of middle-aged women who consult a chiropractor or osteopath: findings from a survey of 11,143 Australian women. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 29(5): 349-353. Link to publication
Adams J (2006) The use of complementary and alternative medicines within hospital midwifery: models of care and professional struggle. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 12(1): 40-47. Link to publication
Magin P, Adams J, Smith W, Pond D (2006) Topical and oral CAM in acne: a review of the empirical evidence and a consideration of its context. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 14(1): 62-76. Link to publication
Girgis A, Adams J, Sibbritt D (2005) The use of complementary and alternative therapies by patients with cancer. Oncology Research 15(15): 281-289. Link to publication
Adams J, Sibbritt D, Young A (2005) Naturopathy/herbalism consultations by mid-age women who have cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care 14: 443-447. Link to publication
Sibbritt D, Adams J, Young A (2004) A longitudinal analysis of mid-aged women's use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Australia, 1996-1998. Women & Health 40(4): 41-56. Link to publication
Parvathy U, Sibbritt D, Adams J (2004) The use of herbal medicines for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in general practice. Australian Family Physician 33(11): 955-956. Link to publication
Hope-Allen N, Adams J, Sibbritt D (2004). The integration of acupuncture in midwifery and obstetrics care: a pilot study evaluating an acupuncture service in an antenatal clinic in an Australian public hospital. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 10: 229-232 Link to publication
Isbister G, Adams J (2004) Investigating the relationship between emergency departments and complementary and alternative medicine use in Australia. Emergency Medicine Australasia 16: 378-381 Link to publication
Adams J (2004) Examining the sites of interface between CAM and conventional health care: extending the sociological gaze. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 12: 69-70 Link to publication
Adams J, Easthope G, Sibbritt D (2004) Researching the utilisation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): Where to from here? Evidence Based Integrative Medicine 1(3): 169-172. Link to publication
Adams J (2004) Exploring the interface between complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and rural general practice: A call for research. Health and Place 10(3): 285-287. Link to publication
Adams J, Sibbritt D, Easthope G, Young A (2003) The profile of women who use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia 179(6): 297-300. Link to publication
Sibbritt D, Adams J, Easthope G, Young A (2003) Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among elderly Australian women who have cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer 11(8): 548-550.
Adams J, Sibbritt D, Easthope G (2003) Examining the relationship between women's health and the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Complementary Therapies in Medicine 11(3): 156-158. Link to publication
Adams J (2003) The positive gains of integration: a qualitative study of general practitioner therapists' views of their complementary practice. Primary Health Care Research and Development 4(2): 158-167.
Tovey P, Adams J (2003) Nostalgic and nostophobic referencing and the authentication of nurses' use of complementary therapies. Social Science and Medicine 56: 1466-1480. Link to publication
Tovey P, Adams J (2002) Towards a sociology of CAM and nursing. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 8(1): 12-16.
Adams J (2001) Direct integrative practice, time constraints and reactive strategy: an examination of general practitioner therapists' perceptions of their complementary medicine. Journal of Management in Medicine 15(4): 312-322. Link to publication
Adams J (2001) Enhancing holism? General practitioners' explanations of their complementary practice. Complementary Health Practice Review 6(3): 193-204. Link to publication
Adams J, Tovey P (2001) Nurses' use of professional distancing in the appropriation of CAM: a text analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 9(3): 136-140. Link to publication
Tovey P, Adams J (2001). Primary care as intersecting social worlds. Social Science and Medicine 52: 695-706. Link to publication
Adams J (2000). General practitioners, complementary therapies and evidence-based medicine: the defence of clinical autonomy. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 8(4): 248-252. Link to publication
Tovey P, Adams J (1999). Thinking sociologically about complementary medicine. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 7(2): 113-115 Link to publication
Adams J, Tovey P (Eds) (2008) Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Nursing and Midwifery: Towards a Critical Social Science. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Adams J (Ed) (2007) Researching Complementary and Alternative Medicine. London & New York: Routledge.. Link to publication
Tovey P, Easthope G, Adams J (Eds) (2003) The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Book Chapters
Adams J, Broom A. (in press) The status of complementary and alternative medicine in allopathic medical education. In Caragh B, Turner B. (Eds) The Handbook of the Sociology of Medical Education. London & New York: Routledge
Andrews G, Adams J, Segrott J (in press) Alternative medicine and the concept of care. In Brown T, McLafferty S, Moon G (Eds) The Companion to Health and Medical Geography. London: Blackwell.
Adams J, Tovey P (2007) Nostalgic and nostophobic referencing in CAM nursing: A text analysis.
Adams J, Tovey P (Eds) Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Nursing and Midwifery: Towards a Critical Social Science. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Adams J, Tovey P (2007) Towards a critical social science of CAM in nursing and midwifery.
Adams J (2007) Introduction: Broadening the CAM research gaze. In Adams J (Ed) (2007) Researching Complementary and Alternative Medicine. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Felice de Barros N, Tovey P, Adams J (2005) Utilising qualitative methods to explore complementary medicine. In Felice de Barros N (Ed) Qualitative Health Research: International Perspectives. Unicamp University Press: Sao Paulo (in Portuguese)
Adams J (2003) Demarcating the medical/non-medical border: occupational boundary-work within general practitioners' accounts of their integrative practice. In Tovey P, Easthope G, Adams J (Eds) The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Adams J, Tovey P (2003) CAM and nursing: from advocacy to critical sociology. In Tovey P, Easthope G, Adams J (Eds) The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Tovey P, Easthope G, Adams J (2003) Towards the mainstreaming of complementary and alternative medicine. In Tovey P, Easthope G, Adams J (Eds) The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context. London & New York: Routledge. Link to publication
Adams J, Tovey P (2000). Complementary medicine and primary care: towards a grassroots focus. In Tovey P (Ed.). Contemporary Primary Care: The Challenges of Change. Buckingham: Open University Press.